Julie Goetzinger

Intuitive Reader & Life Coach for Women

Helping women to live a simpler, more abundant life.

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If so it may be time to look at your relationship with money. Enter your name and email to download my free video and money breakthrough guide.

Simplify Your Life

Hi there!

I’m Julie Goetzinger and I am an intuitive reader and life coach for women, who specializes in helping women to simplify their lives so that they can enjoy more space and time freedom.

A good place to start is by reading my book, “Free to Fly: Manifest the Life of Your Dreams,” which will walk you through the 4 step process that will help you declutter every area of your life.

If you are someone who does better with accountability support, I recommend joining our Declutter Your Life group coaching program which was created to help you live a simpler, more abundant life.

As far as my background goes, I have been an entrepreneur for the past nine years and am currently living a house-free lifestyle by traveling to different air bnbs on my most beneficial Astrocartography lines.

I have hosted 11 domestic and international retreats for creative entrepreneurs, am the international best-selling author of, “Free to Fly: Manifest the Life of Your Dreams,” and the host of the podcast, “Absolutely Abundant: A Podcast for Soul-Aligned Creatives.”

If you would like more clarity as to how to live a simpler, more abundant life, I invite you to set up a complimentary call with me here!


Do you have the desire to free up your energy and create more space in your day? If so, our Declutter Your Life program could be just what you need to clear the space to live a simpler, more abundant life!

We’ll start by decluttering our bodies and being more mindful of what we’re eating and then will move on to decluttering our physical spaces and then will take a deep dive into our relationships to see where our boundaries need to be re-established to create more healthy, balanced connections. Finally, we’ll take a look at our schedules to see how we are spending our time and will commit to letting go of that which no longer brings us joy.

Learn more and sign up here!


Check out what my clients say it’s like to work with me!

"Julie knows how to get to the heart of what’s getting in your way using deep intuitive guidance. She has helped me tell my clients the truth about how they bring their magic and must do the work to see their results. Julie’s approach is fun, direct, and a no bull style that brings intuitive coaching to a whole new level! Since participating in her Success Breakthrough program earlier last year, my business income increased last year by 67 percent. Thank you Julie!”
— Kay Loughrey

"When I first met Julie, I just knew she was meant to guide me on this journey towards more abundance, more success, more love, and more growth. Julie is here to hold space for you, guide you, call you out, celebrate with you, and witness you. She is open and honest, she genuinely cares and wants the best for you, and isn’t afraid to be vulnerable and heal and grow right alongside you.”
— Shay Perna


Speaking Mentoring Retreats Intuitive Readings

Check out what my clients are saying it’s like to work with me!